Friday, April 12, 2019


Still the international day of the street Child.
InkInspires celebrates one of our writers Oyiza as she uses the power of the ink to take us into the experience of the street Child.
Get inspired!!!
Me All By Myself
I was born alone
And left to live alone
And one day for sure, I'll die alone.
Life's been for me a bed of thorns,
It has sung for me painful songs
And I've got to dance to its gongs.
I bury myself daily in my struggles
And daily hustle
That I may live to win my troubles.
Taking risks is romantic to me,
Fighting to eat is lovely to me
That's the only way I can have my feed.
The street's my home,
My tomorrow is unknown.
But one day, I'll build myself a real home.
Hope you enjoyed the piece
Share with contacts and drop contributions.
Let us heal our world with the power of the ink..

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